Member Citizenship Rules

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Appliance Technician
Sep 8, 2024
Reaction score
3 Member citizenship rules:

Absolutely No:

  • Trolling and flaming
  • Forum Flooding
  • Advertising without approval
  • Obscenity, pedophilia, beastiality, incitement to criminal activity
  • Snuff fiction
  • Plagiarism
  • Posting copyrighted material - including images from other web sites
Posting Etiquette:
Thread Bumping simply for the purpose of elevating a thread to the top of a Forum, or asking for comment to a post which has received no comment, is not allowed. Such bumps will be removed at Staff discretion.
Stick to the discussion at hand, off-topic posts, or own work in someone else's thread will be removed.
Critiquing should be helpful to the author's work. Likewise, if you ask for a critique don't fight about it
Keep critique about the work, not the author
Duplicate posts/cross-posts are not allowed
Posting more than two pieces on the creative boards per 24 hours is not allowed.
Do Not Post Creative Writing Posts for Critiques or Advice as PDF Attachments or External Links
In-depth reading of larger works is for beta readers please refer to the Beta Readers' forum
Titles should be G rated and mature content must include a disclaimer
All avatars, usernames and comments in signatures need to be G rated.
Intellectual property:
Using other's work is not allowed. Small citation (fair use) is only allowed with proper citation (author, work, date, publisher)
To retain your first publication rights please use the workshops which are not visible to new members, search engines and guests.

Private Information:
We don't give out your private information and strongly recommend that you don't give it out, either.
Private conversations need to stay private. Posting them on the forum is regarded as a breach of the rules, and may lead to a ban.

Third party advertising or promotion of any kind without prior approval by an Administrator is prohibited on the main boards. **Please Contact Admin for further details**
This does not apply to Calls for Submissions.
Members are allowed to link to their outside work (direct links related to their work in other web sites) in their signature once they have access to signature options.
Members with books or other creative artworks for sale on Amazon or any online or bricks & mortar outlet may add a link in their signature and promote in Members' Published Books forum.

Want to use the Forum? Please check the policy and rules and rules before posting > Here
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